Thursday, July 2, 2009

strolled into work this morning and everyone there chimes in that the phones and computers are down. i immediately start grinning from ear to ear at the thought of doing nothing all day but play free cell and listen to tunes on my mp3. then my dream was immediately crushed because they sent my entire shift home without pay for an hour. they couldn't even give me two hours so i could watch a movie, nope, just one. so i came home, loaded the dishwasher, paid my bills and rent, and now here i sit conversing (albeit one sidedly) with you fine folks. i haven't done a whole lot of updating recently so let's play catch up, shall we? several weeks ago i decided to completely give up on dating. i was dead set on months and months of singledom. then my best friend moved back to stl from chicago, and i realized i wasn't interested in other girls anymore because i was stark raving mad about her. so i kissed her, and now we're together. who knew. my birthday is in a couple weeks. i plan to celebrate by renting a car and getting completely shitty. or possibly vice versa. i guess that's it. who's ready to blow shit up on saturday?! i know i am!

currently spinning:
will smith - big willie style
dear landlord - dream homes
transit - stay home

current netflix:
paul blart: mall cop